Donations and deposits

Professional storage of valuable documents

Letters patent are documents of historical interest that are vital to preserve for present and future generations. Unfortunately, too many letters patent in private ownership are destroyed through improper storage.

The House of Nobility welcomes deposits and donations of letters patent – free of charge – and gratefully accepts up-to-date information about the content of such letters in private ownership or at public institutions.

For more information about this possibility, please contact our genealogist at +46-8 723 39 95, or by e-mail at


When you make a donation to the House of Nobility, ownership is fully transferred to us as a gift. A donation is preferred by many over a deposit, as it once and for all solves problems around the division of property and securing the storage environment of the letters patent.

Once a donation has been reported and approved by the House of Nobility’s executive board, the donor receives a donation certificate and digital documentation of the letters patent. The donation is reported in the member magazine Arte et Marte along with an image of the escutcheon and mention of the donor’s name. If the letters patent relates to a living family member, images of it may be subject to reproduction in the Swedish Peerage Book. The donor receives a lifetime subscription to the Swedish Peerage Book, which is published every three years.


When you make a deposit with the House of Nobility, ownership remains fully with the depositor. However, the letters patent is stored free of charge in the House of Nobility archives and is insured by the House of Nobility.

Once a deposit has been reported and approved by the House of Nobility’s executive board, the depositor receives a deposit certificate and digital documentation of the letters patent. The deposit is reported in Arte et Marte along with an image of the escutcheon and mention of the depositor’s name. A deposited letters patent can be removed from the archives and shown to reputable researchers, interested parties or other family members. The deposit may be cancelled by written notification. Once the House of Nobility’s executive board has formally approved the cancellation, the letters patent can be collected. This usually takes a month.

Donation appreciation

The donor receives a donation certificate

  • The donor receives digital documentation of the letters patent
  • The donation is reported in Arte et Marte
  • Images of the letters patent may be subject to reproduction in the Swedish Peerage Book
  • The donor is invited to the House of Nobility’s annual Christmas lunch (the year of the donation)
  • The donor receives a lifetime subscription to the Swedish Peerage Book, which is published every three years.